
Conscious Connected Breathwork

Ever felt your brain shift during breathwork? 

Science says it does.

A recent study on Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) reveals how this powerful practice significantly changes brainwave activity, enhances mood, and promotes deep clarity and relaxation.

What is CCB?

It is often called “Infinity Breath”. It’s a rhythmic, continuous breathing technique, which removes pauses between inhale and exhale, activating both body and mind to unlock transformation.

Heres what happens in your brain during this type of breathwork:

1. Gamma Waves increase
Gamma is the highest-frequency brainwave, linked to:
Creativity and flow
Emotional Processing
Heightened Awareness

2. Delta, Theta, and Beta Waves decrease 
These waves slow down, shifting you out of stress and overthinking and into clarity and presence:

• Delta → Linked to deep sleep and unconscious states. Lowering it boosts wakefulness and mentalsharpness.
• Theta → Tied to daydreaming and subconscious processing. Less Theta equals more clarity and focus while staying open to transformation.
• Beta → The stress and overthinking wave. Lower Beta leads to calmer, quieter mind and reduced tension.

Why does this matter?

This shift – Gamma up, Delta/Theta/Beta down – creates the ideal brain state for emotional processing, self-awareness, and transformation:

✔️ Less tension, confusion and depressive symptoms
✔️ More confidence, calmness and clarity

Even doing 5 mins of this type of breathwork can shift your brain

❗️Pro tip: Combine CCB with post deep relaxation (meditation, stillness, sound bath) to allow your brain to shift from a Gamma-dominant state into a Theta-dominant state for integration and deep subconscious rewiring. 

Research Study source: “Effects of Conscious Connected Breathing on Cortical Brain Activity,  Mood, and State of Consciousness” (Bahi, Camile, et al) – Current Psychology.

Photo: Karim Ghantous

#breathpod #breathwork #breathing #brainwaves #shift #consciousconnectedbreathing#breatheinbreatheout

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