Conscious Breathing for Trauma Recovery
Breathe Love is a comfort project.
It’s about supporting refugees through Conscious Connected Breathing and it’s the result of collaboration between the International Breathwork Foundation (Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC) and the United Nations.
The concept: Introduce a breathing method that allows refugees to manage the physical and emotional symptoms from any traumatic experience in a safe, simple and above all empowering way. Care-givers and volunteers, the people who support refugees, often face a burn-out and can also be in need of a technique that allows them to have an emotional release, rebalance their system and deeply relax.
Our Trauma Recovery workshops are free and open to anyone!
If you know or work for an organisation that supports refugees, we’d love to hear from you 🙂
If you know any NGO that might be interested or benefit from this project, please promote this information and helps us spread this amazingly easy and comforting practice.